Wouƞspe Izaptaƞ

How old are you?

Waniyetu nitonakca he?
How old are you?
(How many winters are you?)

Waniyetu wikcemna yamni sam mayamni
I’m 33 (winters)

Sentence Structure:
Waniyetu __________(your age)

I’m _________(your age) (winters)
In Daḳota, we count our birth years by winters. When we say our own age, we need to put "ma" just before the last number.

Examples: Look where "ma" is placed, it is always on the last number.
Waniyetu maṡahdoġaƞ
I'm 8 winters
Waniyetu ake mazaptaƞ
I'm 15 winters
Waniyetu wikcemna matopa
I'm 40 winters
Waniyetu wikcemna maṡahdoġaƞ sam mawaƞżi
I'm 81 winters

For numbers greater than twenty, multiplication is used . Placing two numbers together multiplies them:
Wikcemna nuƞpa 20

wikcemna nuƞpa
10 X 2 = 20

When adding to numbers in tens, it is always necessary to add "sam" which means "more than" or you can look at it as "plus" or "in addition to"

wikcemna ṡahdoġaƞ sam topa
10 X 8 (+) 4= 84