Wouƞspe Itopa

Where do you live?

Tukted yaṭi he?
Where do you live at?

Imniżaska ed waṭi.
I live in St. Paul.

Sentence Structure:
(City or Town) ed waṭi.

When you reply what town or city you live, be sure to say the city or town and "ed waṭi."

Ḣtayani he?
Do you work?

Hau ḣtawani do.
Yes I work (wicaṡta)

Haƞ ḣtawani ye.
Yes I work (wiƞyaƞ)

Hiya ḣtawani ṡni.
No, I don’t work.

Tukted ḣtayani he?
Where do you work?

Imniżaska ed ḣtawani.
I live in St. Paul.

(City or Town) ed ḣtawani.
I work in City or Town

Cub Foods ed ḣtawani.
I work at Cub Foods.

Sentence structure:
(place of work) ed ḣtawani.

When you reply what town or city you work in, be sure to say the city or town and "ed ḣtawani." You can also name the place where you work at. The names of businesses in Daḳota will come in later lessons.